Country: France


May 10, 2016

By Peg Kern

Daube de Senglier (Wild Pig Daube)

Filed Under  Food History, Recipes France

As we transition from Winter to Spring, it's still a wonderful time for a stew! A daubeis a kind of stew that is traditionally made in Provence using inexpensive beef that has been braised in wine as well as with garlic, vegetables, and herbs de Provence. While Provencal in origins, it's also made in the Languedoc, the neighboring region to the west. This particular dish comes from Chef Stéphane of… Read


April 11, 2016

By Liz SanFilippo Hall

Discovering the Wines of Bordeaux

Filed Under  Destination Features, Travel Tips, Wines & Spirits France

When talking about the wines of France, the discussion has to include Bordeaux, and not just because it's the largest wine-producing region in the country. From the historic city of Bordeaux, with interesting connections to the French Revolution, to the countryside with vineyards as far as the eye can see, the area is at once fascinating as well as delicious... perfect for a visit by the traveling wine aficionado and… Read


April 4, 2016

By Peg Kern

Les Diots au Vin Blanc with Crozets (Savoie Sausages in White Wine Sauce with Crozets)

Filed Under  Destination Features, Recipes France

The Rhone Alps feature lush valleys and dramatic mountain peaks, and from this varied landscape comes an array of wonderful ingredients. This particular dish in fact features a variety of foods that are important parts of the gastronomy of the French Alps, namely beaufort cheese made from cow's milk; crozets, a pasta made with buckwheat flour; and last but certainly not least, diots. Diots are a delicious meaty sausage that… Read


March 23, 2016

By Peg Kern

My Lunch at Brad and Angelina's Chateau in Provence

Filed Under  Destination Features, What's Up at TIK France

I've never written about the time I had lunch at Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's beautiful chateau and wine estate in the south of France. Nestled in the countryside of Provence, the stunning estate boasts some 500 hectares, much of it cultivated with vines and olive groves. The famous couple was married in the charming medieval chapel on the estate. Their wedding day was not, unfortunately, the day I lunched… Read


March 16, 2016

By Peg Kern

Blanquette de Veau Recipe from a Languedoc Cooking Vacation

Filed Under  Food History, Kitchen Tips, Recipes France

To the west of Provence is a destination not as well known, but no less beautiful. The Languedoc is a more rural part of France, and offers stunning vistas and charming villages, as well as plenty of fresh air. As for the food, it is, simply put, wonderful, and rich in tradition. Learn about Languedoc wines. One such dish you may make during a culinary vacation to Languedoc includes blanquette… Read


March 11, 2016

By Peg Kern

A French Market in Lorgues

Filed Under  Destination Features, Travel Tips France

To wrap up market week we'll focus on one of our favorite French markets in the lovely village of Lorgues. The eastern part of Provence known as the "Var" department (or zone) we think is one of the most beautiful parts of France. The Var interior is a place of breathtaking natural beauty with miles of vineyards, forests, olive groves, and mountains, and charming villages and hamlets full of authentic… Read